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Freedom Vs. Fear - Land of the Free to Land of Socialism

We're currently living in an unprecedented time, when would you have ever imagined your every day schedules, demands and life would just cease to exist. Like most of us, probably never. Most Americans are feeling the strain; the strain of being stuck at home, the strain of homeschooling our children, the strain of unpaid bills and lack of income.

This is a complicated situation we're in right now, while of course we all went to slow the spread and save lives, we also want to live our lives. We want to be able to afford to pay our bills, feed our families, to be able to provide the very basic essentials for ourselves and our families. The only thing we all know for sure, well, is nothing. Nothing we hear is for 100% certain, there are contradicting studies about this virus, even Dr. Fauci has contradicted himself, first saying we have nothing to worry about and later saying without a vaccine staying at home is all we have. Let us also take a look back when Dr. Fauci on February 17th stated, "The only people who need masks are those who are already infected to keep from exposing others. See full article here. The masks sold at drugstores aren't even good enough to truly protect anyone." Now two months later, hes yet again contradicting himself telling the public to wear masks based on "recent data indicating the virus can spread between people simply speaking to each other". See full article here. Yet, articles such as this are "fake" or "false".

There is a lot of argument over what the best course of action is, while some states have minimal or no stay-at-home orders in place, other states have gone overboard with directives as to what businesses are "essential" and "non-essential". I don't know who in Hitlers Third Reich decided that someone working to provide for their family wasn't essential, but it seems states such as Pennsylvania believe just that. Governor Wolf has issued self proclaimed "draconian measures", all in the name of protecting citizens. Meanwhile Pennsylvania has the highest unemployment rate in the country due to these extreme measures. While his claims for public safety at first seemed reasonable, Pennsylvanian citizens are seeing differently now that he has added his agenda to his plan to reopen the state. Rather than just concentrating on reopening the state and getting his constituents back to work, he has decided to add in some special interests like healthcare for all and an increase in minimum wage. While he and his team get to decide who stays open and who closes, his former business was magically granted a waiver. You have State Representatives from PA saying things like "people don't know what's best for them", or that they "cant see past the person in the mirror or the weight of their wallet". Sounds like to me some of the people in our government have forgotten the most basic part of their job, they work for the people, they don't control the people. Its alarming to me to see how many Governors, Representatives and more who are acting like fascist dictators.

Then you have the W.H.O who yesterday released an article stating that there is no evidence that the antibody test can show coronavirus immunity, which is completely contradictory of their push for a coronavirus vaccine and getting on board with Bill Gates push for a mandatory vaccine before you can live your life freely.

In Pennsylvania, where Anita Shaffer, a woman from York, PA was ticketed for "violating" Wolf's stay-at-home order because she took a drive to get out of the house. Yes, she was fined for going for a drive something that didn't affect anyone else. This is happening all over the country, a man in Malibu was arrested for paddle boarding, alone, in the ocean. Another man was arrested in the park for playing with his daughter, families getting in trouble for having picnics in the park with no one else around. Check out this video! A woman in New Jersey was charged for organizing a protest, she was charged for using her First Amendment Right, the right to peaceful protest! This is going too far, when our basic rights, freedoms and liberties are being trampled on. When we can't take our kids to the park with NO ONE else around, not hurting a soul in the world, when we cant go for a simple drive in our cars, it has gone too far!

MSM (Mainstream Media) has been pushing this fear mongering agenda for the last month but for months they downplayed COVID-19 along with our "leading expert" Fauci. How can we trust MSM at this point? But yet somehow, there are people who disregard any other research studies, scientific experts, news articles etc if they don't come from MSM and they're labeled as #fakenews. You don't know that it's fake, hell, if anything MSNBC is more fake than say The Next News Network. I'm a firm believer in forming an educated opinion for yourself, I'm a firm believer in freedom of choice, I'm a firm believer in free thinking, which are some of our most basic human rights!

We have been told by doctors and nurses the numbers are being exaggerated, that non-covid related deaths are being counted as covid deaths. See here the directives, pay close attention to the last question on the page. These are people on the front lines, yet because MSM tells people it's "fake news", they automatically believe that it is fake. Rather than relying on their own brains to decide as to whether it is false or fake or even just plain bullshit. The other day Erie News Now in Pennsylvania posted on Facebook that "probable cases" and "probable deaths" would be added in to the states numbers, yesterday Erie News Now released the states Covid-19 numbers with the "probables" added in. We shouldn't be using "probable cases" or "probable deaths" in our statistics, and not shockingly New York State is doing the same. Here is the latest with the addition of "presumed deaths". If you don't know states are choosing to do this because they feel the actual death counts are incorrect and low. However research by Stanford University shows that Covid-19 is more widespread than originally thought, but this isn't a bad thing, because this would drop the fatality rate associated with Covid-19, assuming we actually knew the accurate numbers not the inflated ones. Let's also add that nurses and doctors all over the country are reporting empty hospitals, minimal to no Covid-19 patients, much less deaths. Nurses and doctors all over the country have been furloughed or had their hours reduced due to lack of work.

While Covid-19 may be different than the flu there are also many similarities, for example, the flu virus can travel in particles up to 6 feet away from an infected person or by touching something that an infected person touched. Fevers, body aches, fatigue and headaches are all symptoms of both Covid-19 and the flu. The average incubation period for the flu is 2 days, the average for Covid-19 is 5 days, both can leave you infectious for 7 days to 3 weeks. For the 2019-2020 Flu Season there were an estimated 60,000 deaths in the US, and on April 9th Dr. Fauci lowered estimated deaths from Covid-19 in the US to 60,000.

If you look closely what you'll see is every independent Doctor, Scientist or Researcher who speaks out and says anything that goes against the MSM "norm" are quickly disregarded and counted as "fake news"/"false information". What we have to realize is that MSM is doing nothing but pushing fear, and for what reason? Why is that anyone who attempts to give the public information that can quell fears is disregarded? Why is it that information that pushes public fear is "verified" and "valid"? And now even Facebook, is restricting articles and information they deem to be "fake news" and "false information". When you close your mind off and automatically assume that because it didn't come from Fox or CNN that it's false, well you're doing yourself a disservice, because you're not allowing yourself the wealth of knowledge and perspectives available to you!

The bigger picture in all this however, is how far do we let our government restrict us. How far do we let them go as to say "you can't go here", "you can't do this", even "you can't go to work". Yet state governments are doing little to nothing to help their people that are unable to work, unemployment phone lines are packed, unemployment websites down, people haven't had income in a month, families are running out of food, being threatened with shut off notices, evictions and more! Yeah, sure, some Americans have already received their stimulus money, but not all, and if you take into account a single woman who gets a $1200 stimulus check, you're taking into account the average rent and mortgage nationwide.

Big businesses are being handed money for bailouts and loans, and small businesses are suffering and may never open their doors again. Of course these big businesses aren't handing down the break they got to the American worker, because they don't give a damn about us, anymore than most of our government does at this point. Yet people are still "staying the course". Meanwhile there are worse things unfolding such as the increase of calls to Mental Health Hotlines, which have went up 891%! Our medical system has become so westernized that we have failed to be educated of the direct correlation of mental and physical health! Read here about the affects of anxiety and depression on your physical heath. Stress, anxiety and depression have a direct effect on our immune systems, which is the last thing we need right now.

When do we stop letting fear control us? When do we demand the truth from MSM and the government? When do we say enough is enough?? While MSM is bashing President Trump for his tweets of liberating Michigan and Virginia, red blooded Americans everywhere are praising him. Our forefathers, our families have fought and died for our basic rights and freedoms, and for us to do nothing when our government starts to cross the line, well that's like spitting on their graves or in their faces. While some are calling it careless and literally wishing people to catch covid and die, others feel it's their duty as an American to protect their liberties and rights as well as that of their loved ones. American's everywhere feel that it's their basic human right to work and provide the essentials to themselves and their families. More than anything these protests across the country aren't because these people don't care about anyone dying, it's not because they're heartless assholes, it's because they're Americans and as American's we have freedom of choice. We as American's deserve the right to choose as to whether we want to stay home and hunker down or go to work and carry on with life, obviously keeping in mind not to go to work and the bar and wherever then go visit an elderly grandparent or immune compromised friend. We deserve the right to choose as to whether we want to wear a mask in public, we the people, we deserve to be able to choose!

If there's one thing every American adult should know, it's the history of Nazi Germany. The media was used to control the people, the media used fear mongering propaganda to push people into compliance. Hitler gradually took away little by little until there was nothing left to take and he had complete and total power, and by then it was too late. We already know here in American that the government has used MSM to push agendas and feed the public in an attempt to control and skew their views using Operation Mockingbird. We learned all through school about how Historically propaganda was used all over the world and here in America in MSM. Remember, history repeats itself if we don't pay close attention and get ahead of it.

If there's one thing I know, I believe in the saying "give me liberty or give me death" and I am more than willing to die fighting for the basic human rights, the basic freedoms and liberties granted to us by our forefathers. I will fight for myself, my kids and every American, and I will not stop, because that's my duty as an American!

Final Thought: If you're going to sit quietly in compliance with the restrictions of your most basic human rights and do nothing but mock and put down those willing to stand up for them, don't complain if the "land of the free" turns into the "land of socialism".

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