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Meatless Meatloaf Recipe

For those of you who don’t know we have cut out red meat entirely in our house, and we have cut down our chicken consumption to about once a week. We’ve found some amazing alternatives but the new alternative tops the cake! Of course I forgot to take a photo but really you would have never thought it wasn't regular meatloaf!

A little back story on why we decided to cut out red meat and are on the road to cutting out meat completely. Meat is technically a carcinogen that increases your risk of colon and rectum cancer by 18%. Studies in England found that vegetarians are 40% less likely to develop cancer then meat eaters. Common cancers that you’re more likely to get as a meat eater are breast, prostrate and as mentioned before colon. Meat eaters are also at a higher risk for heart disease and diabetes! The American Diabetes Association published a study that eating meat makes you 22% more likely to develop diabetes. There’s also a link between the saturated fats found in meats and an increased risk of Alzheimer’, dementia and cognitive decline. Eating meat has also been linked with a harder time maintaining healthy body weight. Meat eaters are 3x more likely to be obese than a vegetarian and vegetarian diets are also associated with a higher metabolic rate (approx 16%). Not to mention meat carries the highest rate of food borne illness! Eating meat also makes you more resistant to antibiotics this is due to the antibiotics used in our meats, about 70% of antibiotics used each year are given to the animals we eat. High blood pressure, bad breath and body odor, weakened immune system, fatigue bloating and even dark circles under your eyes can all be attributed to your body’s inability to break down meat!!! For more information check out The Game Changers on Netflix!

And no before it even crosses your mind, in no way shape or form is this an ad or was I paid to post this, I'm doing it because I know there are tons of people out there who are looking for great alternatives because they too want to cut out meat in their lives!

Anyways, back to it. So tonight we used Beyond Burger, granted it’s a few extra bucks than real beef but in my opinion so worth it. We picked up ours from Publix! So here’s the dish for some bomb ass meatless meatloaf!!! (haha did ya catch that pun)

What you’ll need:

• 1lb Beyond Burger ground

• 1c Italians Bread Crumbs

• 1 egg

• 1c ketchup

• 1c BBQ sauce (I used Sweet Baby Rays Brown Sugar)

•Preheat Oven to 375°

•Mix your ground Beyond Burger, bread crumbs and egg together. Spray your loaf pan to make sure It doesn’t stick. •In a separate bowl mix your ketchup and BBQ sauce.

Once your beef-less burger is mixed with the egg and bread crumbs put it in your pan. Then layer your ketchup and BBQ mixture on top.

Bake for 45 minutes and BOOM! You have your self some bomb ass meatless meatloaf!!

I’d love to hear whether you enjoyed this or not so drop a comment and let me know If you tried it and what you think!

Click here to find Beyond Burger near you!

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