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Propagation Station

I've been getting so many questions on my propagation station that I figured the best way to approach this was to give you all the information in a blog post! I'm going to give you all the details and link everything I used!

As you all know I love my plants, I love my greenery! Maybe a little too much. haha. So what could be better then propagating MORE PLANTS. I mean they're so good for your health and have such a great aesthetic! But ultimately I wanted to be able to share some of my plants with others and my love for them! This is the most simple DIY you will find anywhere.

First thing first, head to Ikea, get yourself these picture ledges. They're only 12.99 so you can get as many or as title as you want. Then head to your local Dollar Tree, Walmart, or even while you're at Ikea grab some glasses, I went to Dollar Tree and grabbed 9 of the tall skinny cylinder drinking glasses for $1 each!

Next step, find your wall, center your first shelf on the wall and hang that bad boy up. I spaced my shelves 12" apart to make sure there is lots of rooms for the plants. Hang the rest of your shelves, get your clippings, add the necessary water and place! That's it, simple, easy and brings a great vibe to any room.

Remember, all plants propagate differently, and any plants you're water propagating may need different amounts of water. So be sure to check on that for each plant, or feel free to message me and ask! Make sure you are changing out your water every 3ish days as well, again this can vary based on plant type but 3 days seems to be about the average for most.

That's it, if you have any more questions email or message and ask away.

Happy Planting!



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