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An Open Letter To My Fiance’s Ex Wife

Dear Bitter Ex- Wife,

I’m sure your little heart is fluttering with excitement right now that I am acknowledging you in any capacity, especially publicly. Frankly, it’s time to give you the acknowledgment you deserve. For a long time I sat idly by, watching you manipulate my soon to be husband with threats to get what you wanted out of your “situation”. I watched you treat him like trash, having him one minute listen to your whining sessions about your boyfriend then the next talking to him like he was scum of the earth. You wanted to have him as your best friend but your punching bag too. That didn’t fly with me, so yes I took a stand.

Your dishonesty, narcissism, and disrespect have been immense, you only continue to show those around you who you truly are and what kind of monster lurks beneath the outer layer. You constantly demean myself, the father of your kids and I assume most people around you. You may as usual feel free to deny the truth and deflect and remained a closed off and continue to attempt to portray the victim you so eagerly wish to be. You will not continue to slander and bash the reputation of my soon to be husband nor myself in an attempt to play victim and control and manipulate those around you. You have an immense amount of hatred aimed at me but the reality is that it was your own disgusting actions that brought on the demise of your marriage. While you create this illusion that you are the one who is being hurt and has been hurt, while you create this world in only which you live you are hurting your children in the process without even realizing what you are doing. You see your actions are the things they watch, they watch and follow by example rather then what they are told. You do not create consequences for them, you show them that materials are more important then love and relationships with others and you show them how to harbor hatred and how to cause boat loads of unnecessary drama. They are not mine, and I cant take your place. Nor would I ever try, even if I think you are a cancer and only dragging them down in your sick tangled web. But, I love them, no different then I love my own children. My fiance and your ex husband raise them together, we raise all of the children equally and fairly and they are all very much loved.

I will not sit invisibly on the side lines and watch idly because that is not what a mother, a step mother or a wife does. I will not sit quietly and let you make decisions that affect my household, my children (and yours), and my life and not have a say. You choose to hate me as if I have done something so terrible to you, yet your hate is misdirected. The hate you have is only for yourself, remember you CHOSE to ruin your marriage the day you cheated on your husband, physically/emotionally or both. But for that I have to thank you, because of that I have the gift of spending my life with an amazing man. One who showers me with love, respect, and loyalty daily, an amazing human that you never realized you had until it was too late. You then spent years using your manipulative ways to get what you wanted and have things go your way, to remain in control. When he finally got the courage to tell you to piss off you demoralized him and demeaned him for moving on to a bigger and better future. You callously kicked him down every chance you’ve had without a care in the world. You do nothing selflessly, even when you brag about helping others as you have bragged so many times about how you have helped him, you and we all know that you had your own beneficial reasons for doing so.

You have spent the last several months slandering our names, stirring up drama and only hurting those poor children in the middle of all this. You have multiple times bitched that he doesn’t “co-parent” with you but any time he has tried, any time he has offered his opinion or insight you have immediately shot it down and disregarded it. You’re dead set that I somehow control what he does and I am the reason he doesn’t want anything to do with you anymore, as if I force his hand and tell him he isn’t allowed. You’re partially right, I do have something to do with it, I helped him gain courage and confidence to not be afraid of you taking him for more money time after time that you don’t get what you want. I helped him gain courage and not worry about whether you’ll try to tell him he can’t take or see his children just because you’re pissed. I have something to do with it because he loves me and he respects me and the life we have together. You may be the mother of his children but that is all you are and that is all you ever will be. He doesn’t owe you anything. He can do as he pleases, he can talk to you in any capacity he chooses, and he chooses not to. So it’s time to get over it.

Your actions are disgusting and show what an ugly person you are on the inside. We may not like you but we don’t say it in front of the kids as it shows by what they say that you do. You can keep hating me and the situation all you want but nothing is going to change. I’m going to show him the love, loyalty and respect that you couldn’t, and whether you like it or not I’m involved in your kids lives. So I’d say it’s high time to grow up and stop acting like a child who didn’t get her way. I know one day your lies, fake demeanor and factitious life you’ve created will catch up to you and be revealed. I urge you to seek help for your borderline personality disorder and bipolar, you may not be diagnosed but it is obvious that you exhibit all the signs.

On the flip side of that I will continue loving my soon to be husband and standing in his corner even at the risk of you hating me even more then you already do. I will continue to love and care for the children you two have together because they are now a part of my life, my family and my heart. I will continue to live life the way I have and the way I enjoy doing so without any regard for your feelings. What is that you told me once, “stay in your lane”, well, this is me telling you to stay in yours. Maybe if you spent less time stalking us on social media and more time working on yourself you’d be a happier less miserable cunt.


The Future Wife

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