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Better Then Your Grandma’s Lasagna

So I’ve had tons of people ask me for this recipe for many years, so I finally decided to stop being stingy and share! haha. I have deep Greek and Sicilian roots, no one ever taught me how to cook, I just watched and one day I started cooking. WHO KNEW I was actually an amazing cook! haha. I have been told by many people many times it is better then their grandma’s and THAT is one hell of a compliment from anyone! So here it is my better then your grandma’s lasagna recipe!


  1. 2 Boxes of pre-baked lasagna noodles ( I prefer them because if you have never cooked lasagna noodles its a pain in the arse)

  2. 2 lbs of lean ground beef ( I use organic 97/3 because I’m very OCD about meat)

  3. 1 lb of Shredded Mozzarella Cheese

  4. 1 lb of Shredded Cheddar Cheese

  5. Shredded Parmesan cheese

  6. 15 oz of Ricotta Cheese ( I prefer Lamagna or Maggio)

  7. 1 egg

  8. 2 24 oz jars of pasta sauce ( I like use Ragu Parmesan and Romano for this)

  9. Oregano

  10. Basil

  11. Garlic Salt

Now comes the fun part, putting it all together.

  1. Brown your beef, use a bit of garlic salt as seasoning while you are browning it. Remove from heat.

  2. In a mixing bowl, mix ricotta cheese, egg, a handful of mozzarella cheese, a handful of cheddar cheese, a pinch of garlic salt, oregano, and basil. Mix until blended. (Oregano, basil and garlic salt to your liking, I usually use 2-3 tablespoons of oregano and basil and a sprinkle of garlic salt)

  3. Take your lasagna pan, use a table spoon and one spoonful at a time place pasta sauce in the bottom of your pan and spread it so you have a thin coat of pasta sauce.

  4. Take the rest of your sauce and pour it into your browned meat and mix together.

  5. Place one layer of lasagna noodles on the bottom, if you use the pre-baked ones I usually use 9 per layer as they don’t cover my whole lasagna pan.

  6. Take tablespoon and drop and carefully spread ricotta mix over noodles. (Don’t try to completely cover the noodles, they will move causing you a migraine)

  7. Take meat/sauce mixture and layer on top of ricotta mixture, once you add this the ricotta mixture will more easily spread. Spread as evenly as possible.

  8. Repeat layering of noodles, sauce and ricotta mix two more times. After you have put your final layer of sauce/meat mix on the top add mozzarella cheese and cheddar cheese to your liking. I also add a handful of shredded parm to the top.

  9. Cover with aluminum foil and bake at 375 for 25 minutes, remove from the oven, remove foil, and place back in and bake for an additional 5-10 minutes.

  10. Voila! Serve and enjoy!


Now depending on how big you cut your slices, this will serve easily 7 plus people and chances are you will have leftovers for a day or two haha.

I hope you enjoy it as much as much as we do and others have!



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