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It’s Not Being Selfish – It’s Self Love

Updated: Nov 19, 2019

For ages there has been a terrible misconception that when you do things for yourself; whether it’s a girls night out or an afternoon of pampering at the nail salon that you’re being selfish. I’ve been told before that I was selfish for taking a weekend getaway without my kids was selfish! I’m sure we’ve all heard it, other women talking badly about those who don’t cater to their kids or significant other. Those women who don’t make their kids or significant other the very center of their world. Those women who go out and have drinks and dance on a Saturday night. The women who but themselves things they want once in while for no reason. It’s those women practicing self care, showing themselves love who get shit talked on them by the women who hate themselves deep down and hate their lives.

It’s not selfish to love yourself! It’s not selfish to care for yourself. It’s not selfish to have you time! It’s NECESSARY for your mental and emotional health! I’ll be the first to say it, while I love my kids, they do not run my life, I am not their bitch! PERIOD! I am mom, but I’m also Paris, I’m also a lover and a friend, a dancer and a wanderlust, a woman with needs, wants, dreams and goals! Ladies, we cannot be the best version of ourselves for our families if we’re not taking care of ourselves physically and otherwise!

Way too often I see women worried about what others will think or say if they do something for themselves! I understand why because everyone has some half assed opinion of others. Well f*** them and the horse they rode in on. Are you here for their approval? Do you need anyone’s approval!? Last I checked you’re a grown up who needs NO approval to make yourself HAPPY!

What’s selfish is giving your kids a half assed version of you! What’s selfish is your sadness and negativity rubbing off on your family because you’re not taking care of you! What’s selfish is you not making yourself the center of your own damn world! This isn’t the 1950s, this 2019! I’m not June f***ing Cleaver and neither are you!

So take care of your number one, YOU! Do something for yourself every damn day! Even if it seems like the most simple thing because you need to make yourself happy and you need to care for yourself and you need to show yourself some love.

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