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My Promise To My Step Kids

If you had asked me a few years ago if I ever thought I would be a step-mom, I’d have told you no. Yet, here we are today just being the most bomb step-mom I can be! I fell in love with your dad, head over heels in fact, our very own real life fairy tale and you were an added bonus to that fairy tale. I want you to know that being a parent isn’t easy, whether biological or not and we’re all learning here and we’re learning to blend. I’d say so far we’re doing a pretty good job at blending this little family together!! Just as I love my own kids I love you the same, unconditionally, wholeheartedly and I’d go to the ends of the earth to protect you! I promise I will always do any and everything to protect you from anyone and anything!

I know things aren’t easy, and I know it has taken some time to adjust but I can see by your actions, body language and what you say that you’ve adjusted well, and quickly! I know having two separate homes isn’t always easy and I know sometimes you feel almost stuck, but I promise you I will never put you in the middle, I will never intentionally make you feel stuck and if I unintentionally ever did I’d want you to call me out on it – because just like with my own kids, I keep the line of communication open! I will always be here to talk about your feelings, your thoughts, goals, hopes, dreams or whatever you feel like talking about. I promise to listen and respond rationally and logically and to NEVER discount your feelings or thoughts. I promise that I will never make you feel less for expressing yourself to me in any capacity as long as you always do it with respect.

I’m not one of those step-moms who just sat back and said “it’s not my place, it’s not my job, I’m not their mom”. Because whether it’s Mom, or its step-mom, my job is the same, to love you, to care for you, to be there when you need me, to help raise you into responsible, respectful, beautiful human beings! Your dad and I decided that when you are with us we raise you together, all 5 of you, one set of rules, one set of responsibilities, and unconditional love for each and every one of you! You see, I don’t want to treat you differently then the other kids, because you’re not different. I may not have carried you for 9 months and brought you into this world, but I love you as if I did. I wasn’t there for your first breath, your first laugh, your first words, or your first steps – but I promise for every first from now on, I’ll be there, I’ll have your back!


When I talk about you to people I say my daughter, or my oldest son, yes, I call you mine! I don’t look at you like you’re my husbands kids, or just my step-kids because to do that would be terrible. It would mean I don’t love you wholeheartedly, it would mean you weren’t as important as my own biological children, it would mean I didn’t care about you or your well-being and none of that is the case. I will never try to replace your Mom, because that’s your Mom, a bond that by me can and never will be broken or toyed with because I know that bond is sacred! I will be an addition, a bonus mom if you will and we will have our own special bond! NO matter what anyone tells you, having extra parents isn’t a bad thing, it just means extra love. I promise my love will never falter!

I’m not always going to be easy, I’ll discipline you if needed, I’ll call you out if you screw up, but remember this, it’s all out love, it’s out of me wanting the best for you. Sometimes parents have to give kids tough love, it’s never just because we want to be mean, but it’s because we love you so much and it’s what is needed in that moment. Just as much as I’ll give you tough love, I’ll give you the soft love too! I promise I’ll hug you after you get dumped or if you’re just having a bad day, I’ll make your favorite meals for your birthday and take care of you when you’re sick. I also promise to keep your butts in line so you can grow up to be good people with drive, passion, determination and beautiful souls.

I love you two with everything in me and I’m so grateful to have you in my life!

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