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New Year, New Who? 3 Things To Simplify Going Into The New Year!

I mean, let's be real here. Most of us pull the New Years resolutions out of our hineys every year. How many times have you heard "New year, new me!" No Nancy, we don't believe you anymore.

Yes please for the love of everything; have some goals, chase your dreams, be a freakin force to be reckoned with!!! New Years is the time of year where people everywhere have so much determination to want to better themselves and achieve their goals but are the most common failed goals! Why? Well chances are because people trick themselves into thinking that a New Year means a new mindset all of a sudden?! Who knows, everyone's reasons are different! Shit happens & it's okay!!! So, let's make this easy peasy for you in 2019!!! Here are three ways to simplify your life, better yourself and grow in 2019 and they're so easy and so achievable that I guarantee you'll start achieving even more goals once you start with these three things!

So. Here. We. Go. ->

1 ) Declutter & Minimize!

Go through your house room by room & get rid of anything unneeded and unwanted! Now if you’re like me which is a self proclaimed decor whore I’ve got back up decor. (well not nearly as much now as I used to haha) If you’re not using it and you haven’t used it in the last 6 months (excluding holiday decor) then ditch that shit. You heard me right. YES. Ditch it. I don’t care if you give it away, throw it away or sell it. Get. Rid. Of. It. Personally I prefer to sell it because it hurts a little less haha, totally kidding. (Kinda) Aside from decor; movies, clothes, old dishes, extra shampoo bottles (because we aalllll know you’ve got at least one or two that are half used under the sink). Old lipstick or nail polish... whatever the hell it is if you don’t use it give it a kiss and toss it. Don’t fool yourself like we usually do with the “well I might need this for this” or “I might use this for this”. It might be hard but I swear you’ll thank me later. Decluttering and simplifying actually has health benefits. I shit you not!

**Personally I just recently got rid of our blu Ray players and all of our movies because we never use them and they just take up space for no reason**

2 ) Take out the trash!!!!

Noooo, I don’t mean all the crap you just found in your house that you don’t need or want! Haha! I’m talking about people!!


Yep, I said it, PEOPLE... do I need to say it louder for the people in the back?!

If you have people in your life who do not serve you in a positive, healthy, uplifting way then they need taken to the curb! Because those people do you no good, they’re basically a leach who will suck all of the peace, happiness, contentment and positive from you and try and take you down to their level. Not cool bro, not cool. So take inventory on the people you allow in your life, do they serve you in positive ways!? Do they add immense amounts of happiness? Do they drain your very being!? Take inventory then ditch the trash at the curb. And no, don’t worry about explaining, you owe no one an explanation for what you do for your own peace!

3 ) Just Breathe!

I can see your head half cocked to the side and you’re thinking “what the hell does that even mean lady!?”

I mean turn the TV off, put your phone down, get rid of all the distractions and all the shit that causes mental clutter and just breathe! Go for a walk, do some yoga, work out, take a nap, turn music on and in the words of Nelly "shake ya tail feather".

Stop taking life and everything about it sooo damn seriously and just enjoy it, be in the present, live in the moment, have fun, ENJOY this journey you’re on!!! It’s kinda beautiful if you slow down and take the time to appreciate it.

So there ya have it! 3 things to simplify your life coming into 2019. 3 things that your soul will thank you for. They’re so easy, so simple and so darn worth it!

Happy New Year everybody!!! ✌🏽

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